
GRF Wedding Update


Hello everyone! We just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on at GRF HQ and why the product selection has been reduced. The 2 heads of GRF (me and my fiancé) are getting married on June 11th! I am currently typing up this blog post from...

New 13-13-13 Bag Redesign!


We are proud to finally show a new design for our GRF 13-13-13 bag! It's been about 2 months in the making. We are trying to slowly get our products to look at professional as possible, and so far this is 1 of many that will be updated. We hope...

Major Update to Green Ribbon Fertilizer


For the longest time, we have been working hard internally to solve 1 issue: the cost of shipping. We have a low $5 shipping rate because we offset that price by making our products cost a little more. In reality, the $5 shipping cost you pay costs us on average...

Product Renaming

9/ 2/21

This week we have decided to rename our NPE 442. It's an all in one liquid fertilizer that combines all NPK macronutrients, all secondary nutrients and micronutrients along all the organic carbon contributed from humic and fulvic acids. NPE 442 contains sea plant extract, at least 6 different strains of...

Plants to Grow This Fall


Fall is just around the corner and here are some things to plant! If you're more of a flower person like I am you can plant spring blooming flowers. Spring blooming flowers include tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts, and alliums. You can also plant fall flowers. Fall flowers are a beautiful...